About Us

Peligrojo writes to you from the middle of middle age, wanting Carpe Diem the hell out of life. We like to play, we like to eat, we like to travel.


Established in January 2023, we decided to document our love for play, food, and travel. We believe that life should be more than just work and obligations, it should also be about the things that bring us joy and pleasure. We've spent hours on play so why not write about it? We still remember the places we've been to so fondly, why not immortalize it? Hence the website. 


Our mission is to help people play, eat, and travel better by providing honest and personal reviews of the things that we love. We want to share our experiences and insights to help others make the most out of their own lives. Whether it's the latest must-have toy, the best restaurant in town, or the most picturesque travel destination, we've got you covered.


We envision our website to be a go-to source for people looking to make the most out of life. We want to share our joy and enthusiasm for the things we love with others, and help them make the most out of their own lives. So join us on our journey as we strive to live life to the fullest, one playtime, meal, and adventure at a time.

Want to learn more? Visit our categories page to find out what we write about.