Transformers Botbots

 The Transformers: BotBots series is a unique and fun addition to the Transformers franchise. With its adorable and cartoony designs, the tiny robot characters that transform into everyday objects are sure to capture the hearts of both kids and adults alike.

One of the best features of the BotBots is the wide variety of "squads" that they belong to, based on the stores or places they were brought to life in. From the Arcade Renegades to the Sugar Shocks, each squad has its own unique and creative theme, making for endless possibilities for collection and play.

The toyline has also grown to include a wide range of merchandise, from sticker books to a mini-comic, and even a Netflix-original cartoon series. Each new addition adds even more depth and fun to the BotBots universe, making it a franchise that is always expanding and growing.

Overall, the Transformers: BotBots series is a must-have for any Transformers fan, and is sure to provide hours of entertainment and enjoyment for kids and adults alike. With its unique and quirky designs, endless collection possibilities, and fun and creative themes, it's easy to see why the BotBots have become such a beloved and popular part of the Transformers franchise.

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